Webinar ECIIA – Internal Audit in Banks: challenges from the Russian/Ukrainian Crisis

📅 [Webinar ECIIA] – 1er Juillet de 14h à 15h

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We are organising a webinar to discuss our latest thought paper, Internal Audit in Banks: challenges from the Russian/Ukrainian crisis. The event will take place on the 1st of July, from 14:00 to 15:00 (CET).

The current crisis is posing difficult challenges to the Banking System, which is requested to rapidly adapt and cope with fast-moving regulations and market developments.

A Banking Group risk profile can potentially be impacted by a wide range of drivers: business, regulatory, country, credit, liquidity and financial risk, operational/continuity (among which IT and cybersecurity, physical safety), fraud risk, and reputational risk. The objective of the webinar is to discuss the way internal auditors may help banks reduce these risks. A special focus will be made on cyber security risk that is growing daily.

The discussion will be facilitated by Claudio Testa- CAE Intesa Sanpaolo, and the panel will welcome:
💬 Paolo Nasi, Executive Directors at ISP Audit Department – Intesa Sanpaolo
💬 Mauro Zanni, Executive Directors at ISP Audit Department – Intesa Sanpaolo
💬 Ross Richards, Chief Internal Auditor, COO-Nordea