In a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous), ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) becomes a determining factor for companies in terms of compliance, attractivity, talent retention. Which role can Internal Audit take to assess that companies are applying and evaluating continuous changing regulations without impacting the organizations operation.
Dirk is senior executive passionate and successful in building and developing audit, risk & control functions in global industrial environments.
Visuels de présentation – fiches techniques – exercices – alternance de mises en application, de retours d’expériences et d’exposés.
Objectifs pédagogiques
To ensure ESG fundamentals are covered/reviewed through practical exercises and exemples
– Demystifying the Alphabet soup
– Overview of United Nations Sustainability Goals
– Review of the ESG European Sustainability
– Environmental Sustainability
– Social Sustainability
– Governance and sustanaibility
– Role of Internal Audit